Meet the team that makes it all possible...
our personal TRAINERS
Countless clients have told us that investing in a personal trainer and becoming a part of our supportive, private gym community made all the difference - leading them to transformations that literally changed their lives!
Your personal trainer will help you achieve your health and fitness goals by designing a workout routine and nutrition plan tailored just for you. Whether it's losing weight, gaining muscle or just maintaining a healthier lifestyle – they'll be there to support you every step of the way and hold you accountable to the goals you set for yourself.

Hi, my name is Heather and I guess you could say I am the original TRANSFORMATION. It has been my own personal fitness journey that has led me to discovering what I believe are the best and most effective strategies for fast fat-loss, muscle sculpting and optimal health benefits available. It was only after investing 3 YEARS at the gym, instructing group fitness classes and working out 2-3 hours a day and yet, not being able to drop 1% body-fat that this opportunity came into my path. Prior to the implementation of this life changing program my body-fat percentage was consistently stuck no matter how clean I kept my diet or how much exercise I did. As you can imagine I was VERY frustrated. Don’t get me wrong, I felt great from my many lifestyle changes, had more energy and healed myself from a variety of ailments, BUT with the amount of time, money & energy I was expending, I expected more! I wanted to be leaner & I wanted to SEE more of the results that I was feeling. No matter how hard I trained I could not build the body I wanted... I wanted nice shoulders, a rounder butt and "dang it" 6 pack abs! But as I learned you can't build anything without the proper building materials in the right amounts customized for you. This all changed when I got ahold of the information that is now being implemented with the clients at Transformations Personal Training Studio. The missing pieces were customized macro dieting and targeted body sculpting workouts . After applying this knowledge to my own nutritional plan & fitness program for just 3 MONTHS I shredded 10% body fat and trophied on stage in a bikini contest! That was it! I was convinced and hooked on the process. I continued on to getting my Pro Athlete status and have now completed 14 different stages including 3 world competitions. This same effective system works for teens to seniors and is what I believe is the path worth following. I don't want people wasting years, like I did, trying to do what you can do in months! My passion is to help people get the most effective and efficient RESULTS possible on the road to health and fitness.
Hello, my name is Garrett Hall and my goal is to get you in shape in the shortest amount of time physically possible. Because, let's be honest, who wants to spend countless hours in the gym and not see results? But before we get into all that, I would like to tell you a little about myself. As a teen I trained in several martial arts and did not have to watch what I ate at all to stay in shape. My weight pretty much stayed around 170 lbs. with single digit body fat levels. Life happens and in the course of school, work and marriage my metabolism slowed down and I started slowly gaining weight through my 20's. By the time I was 35 I had put on and additional 128 lbs. which brought my total body weight to 298 lbs. with 42% body fat. I was starting to have health problems from being so out of shape. The breaking point for me was when my doctor told me that I was a candidate for gastric bypass surgery. I had decided, I wanted to change the course of my life and I didn't want to have surgery. I figured if I used to be in shape, it would stand to reason that I could get back into shape. This is when I started my fitness journey. I took the lessons I had learned in martial arts and applied that to fitness and weight training. Learning the best techniques in weight training and dieting from successful bodybuilders. In 18 short months, I was able to transform my body into a work of art and was able to reverse the effects of a lifetime of poor nutritional habits. Through weight training and nutrition education I went from 42% down to 6% body fat. I have been sharing my knowledge from my real world results with clients since 2015. In that time I have taken numerous clients from out of shape to pro athlete level in shockingly short amounts of time. Several of my clients have gone all the way to the World Championships! I have had athletes win overall in shows, pro cards, titles, and money. The Transformations Hawaii competition team, which I'm head coach of, is the winningest competition team on the Big Island. Helping people get healthy and fit is my full-time profession now. I love to share and teach my modern style of weight training. I teach my client how to enhance their appearance by developing muscle in the right places to create an aesthetically pleasing overall look. My typical clients are people that are not happy with their weight or appearance. I share my experience in fitness and help change people's lives for the better. If you're in need of a physical transformation, before you do surgery, I would recommend giving it a try. Typically my results are far better than you can get from a doctor. When you train with me, we don't just train, we train for results.

Hi, I'm Naomi. I am a personal trainer at Transformations Hawaii, as well as the Sunday Build A Butt trainer and foodie. I love cooking and enjoy helping our clients find a ways to eat good, delicious food while staying on their macros. Balancing food, fitness and life is amazing once you learn how. As trainers we are here to help you every step of the way and teach you how to have a TRANSFORMATION!
joanne simeon
Hi! My name is Joanne. I am a 45-year-old accountant and personal trainer with Transformations Hawaii, a wife and mother to three wonderful kids who mean the world to me! Four years ago I signed up for personal training with Heather at Transformations Hawaii. I was ready to invest in myself and put my own health and happiness FIRST. I was a busy mom who would always make sure everyone else was cared for, rarely making time for myself and it was taking a toll on my physical and mental health. Signing up for personal training was the BEST DECISION EVER!! My goal at the start of my journey at Transformations Hawaii was to improve my health, build muscle, get toned and be consistent with exercising. I surpassed ALL of those goals, gained a lot of muscle and got soooo much stronger. I also built up the courage to step out of my comfort zone and competed in five body building competitions. The first show I competed in was a World Championship and I placed in the Top 5. Being a part of this community has helped improve my anxiety and overcome my depression, helped manage my high blood pressure without taking any meds, and improved my self-confidence tremendously!! I have gone from being a super shy person to competing on stage wearing a bikini. Prior to that, you couldn’t catch me wearing one at the beach or even at home. One of the biggest joys that I got from this journey is the wisdom of realizing that I can do things that scare the crap out of me! I can achieve and accomplish great things with the right discipline, motivation, determination, drive and support of like-minded people. I look forward to sharing the lessons that I’ve learned to support and empower others willing to start their own fitness journey. So if you are ready to invest in yourself, come train with me at Transformations and I can help you get started on your journey!

mari giel
Hi! My name is Mari, Pro Bikini Competitor and late afternoon trainer at Transformations Hawaii. I not only am a personal trainer but also a client. My fitness journey at Transformations has not only completely changed my physique, but has strengthened my mind and dramatically increased my confidence. When I started at the studio, I was at my heaviest and felt so physically and mentally exhausted. Diagnosed with depression and anxiety in early adulthood, I could feel my symptoms were getting worse. I gained so much weight since entering my 40's, my doctor said I was obese and needed to lose weight. I was so incredibly self-conscious about my body that it even made me anxious to wear a bikini at the beach. I had tried everything from fad diets to purchasing exercise programs to get the weight off, but nothing worked. Then I found Transformations. Once I committed to the personalized program designed for me, I not only transformed my body but also my mind. As a result, I increased my overall quality of life and with conviction can say I am healthier, happier and stronger than I’ve ever been. After just over one year after training, I competed in my first bikini competition and placed in the top five. As my competition career continued, I have gone on to take several 1st place finishes and overall titles allowing me the opportunity to compete with women from across the world for the chance to win a world title. If I never took that first step, I wouldn’t have had all these experiences, ones that I once thought were unimaginable. I am living proof that the program works. At Transformations, we provide you the tools for success. My goal as a personal trainer is to pass what I have learned and help guide you to reach your fitness goals, whether it’s feeling your best or hitting that stage. My focus is to meet you where you are and help you build on that foundation, so that you can develop better habits and make better choices to live a healthier and more fulfilling life. If you’re on the fence, make that jump because there is no better investment than in yourself. Trust me, the new you will thank the old you that you did.
sheena sunio
Hi, my name is Sheena Sunio. I have been training at Transformations Hawaii since May 2022. When I started I was unhealthy, weighing over 200 lbs. and on blood pressure, cholesterol, and pre-diabetes medication. I started my weight loss journey when a sleep doctor diagnosed me with severe sleep apnea and my primary care provider told me that my lab results showed I was one point away from being diabetic and having to take insulin shots. My goal when I joined Transformations was to get off all my meds and become healthier to live a longer life. Since then, I have lost over 60 lbs. with hard work, hitting my macros, and lifting heavy. In April 2023, I was taken completely off all my meds, and in September 2023, I no longer had sleep apnea and was taken off my CPAP machine, all from weight training and losing weight. I am now a personal trainer at Transformations Hawaii, and I want to help others achieve their fitness goals, whether it be losing weight to live a healthy, long-lasting life, weight training to become stronger, or simply feeling better about yourself. It will take a lot of hard work and dedication, but I want to help you achieve your personal goal(s). I want to share my fitness journey experience since training at Transformations with you. So, come train with me, and let me be by your side through your journey.